Author Watch – Creating a Fictional Universe for Visionary Fiction

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I’m not a super organized writer who has the world of my novel all mapped out before I begin to work. I write on trust. I know what I want to say, and because I really, really, really want to know the how and the why of that mysterious tale stirring inside me, I believe it has chosen me to tell it.

I think of that stirring as a reflection of the finished book—ready to come forth from the cosmic mind. It’s up to me to bring it all together. I come to the page every day ready to write, which habit informs the story I’m serious and I need to know what comes next. Some begging, bargaining, and long meditative silences come with this method.

Time Blade – the latest book in my Age of Jeweled Intelligence visionary fiction series—spans back and forth through the history of Earth, beginning with the birth of the planet. The first inhabitants descended from a highly evolved civilization on another galaxy. They used the astral energies of jewels to power industries, heal diseases, travel the cosmos, and zip around cities on paths of ruby light. After reading an early draft of the novel, my editor told me I needed to do some universe building. Oh! Time to strap on kneepads and get one-pointed. “Oh, great cosmic mind, I need a universe for our story!”

I know better than to expect a miraculous response. I’m the worker bee. I must use the research tools at hand. I Googled the subject, and after surfing a few sites, I realized I already had a universe for my story—the etheric inner kingdom of man—as rendered in the drawing below.


Time Blade, Christina Greenaway, Visionary Fiction

Time Blade – written by Christina Greenaway











Jeweled Intelligence resides in the Galaxy of the Jeweled Spheres—and represents super consciousness. There are seven jewel kingdoms and seven spheres, ruled over by seven goddesses, one for each kingdom. The spheres correspond to the seven chakras in the human body. In the Age of Jeweled Intelligence everyone is born with an astral disk—a glow that adheres to the palm of the left hand like a second skin. Icons on the disk connect the user to the super cosmic forces of gems.

In our everyday day lives we travel through many planes of consciousness. Sometimes we feel peaceful and close to our divine nature. At others, we’re upset and living at the effect of one mood or another. To enter our higher mind, we focus our attention on one point until our thoughts fall still and pure awareness shines through. If we had an astral disk, we could tap an icon and be instantly connected to that intelligence.

Rubies represent the base chakra—creative energy. Emeralds, the solar plexus—might. The heart is gold—love. The throat is intellect—sapphire. The third eye, volition—amethyst. The crown chakra, intuition—diamond. The seventh chakra is pearl—illumination. (The colors and attributes assigned serve the story and might differ from those given by other spiritual disciplines.)

As with all super powers, there are rules for using Jeweled Intelligence. Intention to create services and products that benefit mankind reigns supreme. Misuse of these sacred energies comes with severe consequences.

Research told me time, location, and magic form major components in a fictional universe.

What great news! I wrote Time Blade because I wanted to explore time as a field of consciousness that could be entered and known. Here’s how that worked out.

On the journey into life, every soul deposits an atom of its highest brilliance—I am—into Time. This forms a mastermind—a massive field of perfect impersonal intelligence that oversees the evolution of mankind. Everyone one is time! Everyone can know the I am of his soul. However, it might take a lifetime of devotion to do so. Sound familiar?

Mankind lives under the law of free will, and Time being as brilliant as it is, knows man does not always use that wisely. To avoid disasters that could destroy the planet and humanity, Time entrusts one person to carry a Time Blade weapon capable of cutting, stopping and reversing Time.

Time Blade follows young Californian Sky Hunter through three lifetimes in his quest to become the man who carries the Blade.

Location. Before Earth, Ancient Earth, and Twenty-first century Earth.

Magic. The astral disk.

A visionary fiction universe wouldn’t be complete without some form of purgatory. Just as Time represents man’s highest awareness—the I am of the soul—so Dark Master embodies the collective consciousness of humanity’s lowest nature, like greed, lust, jealousy, hatred, and so on. Over indulgence in any of these thought patterns attracts the deadly ruler—a massive black-hooded entity—who further temps the troubled person to fulfill his desires.

Stories take us on a journey through the consciousness of the main character. He must overcome all manner of hurdles to attain his goal. Along the way, he will most likely be touched by some higher aspect of himself, or that of a friend or mentor, and be changed as befits his challenge. This is an extraordinary time to be writing visionary fiction.

People are seeking enlightenment the world over. Books on meditation and mindfulness abound, and one can browse websites like (Buddha at the Gas Pump) and listen to hundreds of interviews with spiritual masters and teachers offering a wealth of knowledge. The VFA (Visionary Fiction Alliance) brings a community of writers together, all weaving our own awakened awareness into stories to inspire, entertain, and hopefully stir the sacred inner knowing of our readers.

My visionary fiction books revolve around the well being of our planet and the evolution of mankind. I care deeply about these issues. Writing visionary fiction evokes transcendent wonders that prove true in the universe of my novel. These epiphanies are among the greatest rewards of my writing life. They light up my vision for a more compassionate world, a place where we honor the diversities of our many different cultures – where we know we are one race: human.

About the Author

Christina Greenaway is a visionary fiction writer that has authored the series The Age of Jeweled Intelligence. Her most recent book is Time Blade. Greenaway was born in Mevagissey, a small fishing village on the coast of Cornwall, England. She developed an early fascination for legendary tales that helped to spark her creative nature. She describes an encounter of writing down sagas that were placed into bottles and tossed into the sea. Then, like the legends of long ago, the stories were released to take a life of their own. Greenaway has worked in advertising in London and New York, has modeled in Paris, and partnered in a frog farm in Costa Rica. She has travelled the globe in life and with her diversified career. Her most recent work Time Blade: Age of Jeweled Intelligence can be found at Amazon or by direct link to Amazon through her website.

Excerpt from Time Blade:

Chapter 20

He stands on a plateau at the base of the peak of Az’Rubia, rising some five hundred feet above him. The sun breaks through clouds and burns mist off the land. A green valley comes into view, streaming with vines, orchards, and vegetation. As if in a mirage, a girl walks toward him, holding a small iron pot in her hands. Her head is shaved, except for a band of short, dark gold hair in the middle. Inked drawings cover her scalp, abstract symbols unrecognizable to E’am. Hundreds follow her, snaking back through the valley—men, women, and children, their skin a darker shade of bronze than the average Ruberian, and even the most aged among them bears the supple carriage of youth. Four young men flank the girl, two on either side, their features similar to hers in a familial way. She spreads her arms, holding the men back, and steps forward, approaching E’am.

“I am Asari,” the girl says, “the leader of the Atal.”

Flecks of gold sparkle in her eyes, evoking familiarity, but E’am cannot fathom why. He introduces himself to her, and she chuckles as if she already knows him. “I am not informed about your tribe,” E’am says, raising a brow, waiting to hear of their origin and purpose.

“Master’s soul.” Asari holds the iron pot out to him.

“For me?” He taps his finger against his chest, feeling inadequate and unprepared.

She nods. “Not the all of it, just the pattern for his last life.”

She tilts her head and studies him from a different angle, as if assessing him from a fresh viewpoint. She’s slight, with narrow hips and shoulders. A saffron-colored skirt falls from her hips to her ankles and a band of the same material covers her breasts, barely. Inked drawings decorate her midriff—geometric symbols similar to those on her scalp.

He lifts the iron vessel from her hands. “What am I to do with this?”

“I will show you.”

So, what do you think ?