Author Watch – How To Find Readers for Your Book

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Here is a common problem, you write a book and are thrilled about “getting it out there” and then your labors are not rewarded as you had anticipated because your books are not selling. At that point you have to make the decision to quit or keep going.  Most people will not immediately quit they


My Book Are Not Selling and I Want to Throw in the Towel

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Many authors are tempted to throw in the towel when their books don’t sell.  Don’t do it.  Don’t you dare do it.  Throwing in the towel on your books should never be an option.  You just might need to readjust your book or your method.  If you truly want to sell books then it  will


Author Watch – Is KDP Select Dead?

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I would absolutely have to say that KDP select is dead to most authors.  I have heard about many frustrated authors that felt that giving up 90 days of their marketing time for the program did not provide any results.  I must admit that was my frustration too in working with authors.  We would place


Steve Jobs – My Hero

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I watched the Steve Jobs movie on Netflix and found it to be absolutely fascinating.  I have always enjoyed the whole Apple/Mac/Steve Jobs thing.  I have always been a loyal Apple customer so I really did not learn anything new.  But the reason that the movie fascinated me was one particular line that went something


When to Jump Off the Bridge

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There comes a time in life where everyone needs to jump off a bridge. My mother used to say, “If everyone else jumped off the bridge would you do it to?” My answer to that used to be “No.” But through my experineces in life my answer now is a resounding “YES!” I would not